Month: <span>April 2010</span>
Month: April 2010

British Soldiers

Tiny red soldiers march across the rotting stumps of trees, and camp in the gravelly soil of open clearings. All lichens are a unique alliance …


Today, a ragged yellow balloon lies beside the path.  Its ribbon is still attached, curled among last year’s leaves, green sprigs, and the rocky earth.  …

Ploughing Match

The field is dotted with old farmers and antique tractors, ploughing the sod over in straight rows, exposing brown earth to blue sky.  A row …

First Presbyterian

  The church hall is filled with the kindness of polished wood. Floor, baseboards, doors, trim, piano, organ.  Even this exquisite ceiling.  Who takes that …

Class 374

In the church hall children get up and sing, alone, in front of an adjudicator, a smattering of parents, and a sprinkling of strangers.  In …

Hard at Work

I sit here for hours and watch the light in the room change as the sun moves from the back of the house to the …