Month: <span>June 2010</span>
Month: June 2010


  The side of the car has been ripped open.  Still sitting upright in the back seat, a body is covered with what looks like …


We find them by the side of the road and spend twenty minutes waiting. When their mother doesn’t appear, we try the cell phone to …

Rock Game

The dog plays a game with rocks and water.  It is her favourite game, and involves the humans throwing endless stones—not too big and not …

Quarter Note

My daughter made me this notebook cover when I first started writing The Madrigal.  It has been filled with several years’ worth of book notes …


It has been raining hard for weeks.  The ground is sodden, the million colours of green running rampant: wildflowers, weeds, brambles, ferns, leaves, needles.  We …